Hira Saleem
6 min readNov 10, 2021

Laziness… A disease! How to combat it?


Laziness defined as the quality of being unwilling to work or use energy; idleness.

The attitude is self-picked by the person who wants to be lazy, there is no compulsion of any sort that takes a person to this state.

Laziness is very common amongst all age groups, although the intensity varies but symptoms are more or less the same.

To combat laziness, one has to identify its causes first as any step towards remedy and hence betterment kicks off with the process of identifying the key factors of any problem, which in this case is laziness.

There are various reasons for laziness, some of them, however are listed as follows:

Lack of Motivation:

It’s a very normal phenomena of human beings that they require motivation to keep going, to drive, thrive and eventually excel in their lives.

This however starts from a very basic level, a person could be less motivated due to his her or her own nature or maybe because of the circumstances or conditions that are around.

Less Motivation means less willingness for work and therefore that gives birth to laziness.

Being too negative about oneself

Always being Negetive!

This trait is very common in individuals who have lost faith within themselves maybe because of their own past failures or constant taunts and bashes from the society as a whole.

When a person internalizes this matter that he or she is just beyond repair or will never be able to make a positive impact through his abilities, then what comes next is the attitude where nothing excites him, sense of even knowing his true worth almost vanishes. It arises a sense where a person thinks that whatever he does is going to be rendered futile anyway, so what is the point in even giving it a shot. And what he expects to go in parallel with failure are the backlashes and bullying from the surroundings as well.

This criteria could also be regarded as a person is so fearful of any possible unfavorable outcome that he prefers to remain on his back foot, displaying almost no signs of even slightest interest in executing anything other than his routine chores.

The situation is although very disheartening but not bleak and it could be therefore combatted with spells of psychiatric therapies.

Nonetheless, it initiates a sense of unwillingness and hence laziness in a person at the first place that can’t be denied.

On the other hand there are people who are by nature pessimist towards themselves, no external factor has ever contributed in the birth of this attitude of theirs. This behavior requires a different kind of counselling.

In either cases however, the outcome is laziness.


Procastination at its very best!

Procrastination is defined as the action of delaying or postponing something that is important.

This habit in itself is so commonly found in people from all age groups and all walks of life that it requires a separate discussion.

For some, Procrastination is a sort of stress relief, they may not admit it but their sequence of actions gives a clear explanation to this. A person for example has got some issues going on in his life which is quite common for each one of us. Issues could be related to family, health or even financial. He walks into the office with this baggage of stress already and knows it very well that there are plenty of work related tasks that are already not been submitted and further delay could lead to some serious reprimands from the boss and others in charge, even the thought of all this is killing him but he is still unwilling and reluctant to start or even make his first move towards work.

Soon there comes a voice from within and says , Hellooo!! Its high tension already, you are not a robot! Relax a little, watch some match highlights, throw away the burden and jus chill for some time! You deserve that! Things will be fine, No need to Worry!!

Now this “No need to Worry” has got some gratifying outcome one can’t deny of, but unfortunately, a temporary one. The outcome that a person is at least able to suspend his unhappy thoughts, get out of his perplexed state of mind and indulge into something that truly makes him happy for a while. However, this is only for a limited period of time as stated earlier.

So the attitude behind this delay in staring his work could be very convincingly labelled as stress suspension but on the upfront, its laziness.

For some, procrastination is just their way of life, this is their normal pattern and delaying things is part of their routine and is definitely self-inflicted, no outsider has ever persuaded them to hold such practice.

However, whatever the reason is behind this awful habit, it needs to be addressed in the right manner and at the right time before it gets worse.

Not choosing activities wisely.

Accept your Capacity!

Activities should be chosen wisely. Period. The sentence may sound simple and decent but if not acted upon, it could lead to some serious repercussions and one may not be able to know why.

Before choosing a task, it’s always wise to assess your own capabilities and ask yourself very seriously that whether you really hold the capacity to carry it out or not.

Now this does not mean that a person should be unwilling towards accepting challenges but if he seriously lacks the competence to conduct the task as whole or even if he is able to conduct as per his proficiency but lacks the feasibility in terms of time and energy, then there is no harm in foregoing that activity.

The reason for this is very fundamental, lacking the capability or feasibility to carry out a certain task can again lead to delays in starting it off altogether and hence generating the lazy attitude in a person.

Setting unrealistic goals.

Not Possible! choose targets wisely !

Goals should be practical, they should be making sense rather reflecting over or under excitement.

Setting goals that are too high means that a person may get geared up quickly and feel charged in the beginning but failure to do so or unable to reach results even close to it can seriously impair his motivation in future, consequently, leading to laziness.

Realistic goals, however when they are accomplished brings in a lot of energy accompanied by sense of achievement and pride in an individual as well as in a group of people or team.

Setting too easy goals is on the other hand is an approach that does not bring much of any benefit, it may not result in laziness but over confidence and less prone towards accepting challenges. This however is not our discussion at the moment.

Therefore, there are a plethora of other factors that can be discussed under the reasons behind laziness but I would prefer keeping it limited to the ones I have stated here.

Thanks for reading

Hira Saleem

A housewife and a mother of three, all set to enter into the world of blogging with full enthusiasm and zeal! Please spare some time to acknowledge my work! :)